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Querulous meaning

The word querulous is used for the person who complains about everything even when there is nothing to complain about. In short querulous is a kind of person with a habit of complaining when you want to describe someone’s querulous nature then here are some examples below to help you see the use of querulous. The word querulous is an adjective that means it describes and modifies nouns (like person, animal, thing, etc).


  1. The students of class 5 are quite querulous as they have issues with every meal available in the canteen.
  2. Sometimes she becomes querulous when I come late from the office which is unbearable for me.
  3. Ali is so querulous that he does not like any shoes I bought for him.
  4. Can I not be querulous when you don’t have much time to have at least a cup of coffee with me?
  5. He got himself stuck between some querulous friends so his weekend was less enjoyable.
  6. As for the latest game, the querulous reviews have overshadowed the positive reviews.
  7. The querulous tone of her voice made me feel that she did not like the dress I bought for her.
  8. These people have such a querulous attitude that makes even simple tasks a bit challenging.
  9. The customer made the staff frustrated by being querulous and by complaining about the same thing repeatedly.
  10. The curious discussion among group members later resulted in a heated debate.
  11. The voice of the curious parent was showing their concerns about the syllabus at the meeting.
  12. His querulous complaints about the snacks at the theatre made it hard to focus on a movie.
  13. I don’t want to get into querulous people who drain my energy with their negativity.
  14. I don’t feel like having a talk with her about anything because of her querulous nature.
  15. Society members always have complaints about community events.
  16. He does not need to go with me because it makes him querulous when he has to wait too long for the appointment.
  17. Her querulous nature always spoils the family gathering.
  18. The teachers are sick of querulous students who constantly disturb the class during the lectures.
  19. There is no good in cheering up a querulous friend, they will find a way to complain.
  20. The long drive in beautiful weather by being querulous about the music.
  21. My parents are so querulous that they do not appreciate my grades.
  22. My mother-in-law is so querulous that she never likes the food I cook.
  23. I do not like the kind of people who have a querulous nature because they keep complaining for nothing and it offends me.
  24. Why don’t you make her understand that by being querulous, she will get fired soon?
  25. I am the one who has been affected by her querulous nature.
    Above, the given sentences show how can you use the word “querulous” in your talks to show someone’s complaining nature.

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