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Synonyms of psithurism

Here are a few synonyms of the word Psithurism “Rustling, Whispering, Murmuring, Soughing, and Susurration”. Psithurism refers to murmuring or whispering sounds, like when the wind goes through the trees and leaves. The Urdu meaning of Psithurism is ہوا کی سرسراہٹ۔


Here are a few antonyms of the word Psithurism:
Loud Noise


Here are a few sentences that would help you to understand the use of the word Psithurism:

  • I visited a forest with my friends. The psithurism of the forest was calming my soul.
  • I sit under the trees during the daytime because I love the gentle psithurism as the breeze moves through the trees.
  • The last time I visited the garden, I felt calm as the Psithurism filled the air, creating a peaceful environment.
  • The psithurism of the leaves made the forest feel alive.
  • He was so depressed, so I took him for a walk. Listening to the psithurism during a walk relaxed his mind.
  • Yesterday, when I lay on my bed, the psithurism outside my window made me feel so comfortable.
  • The psithurism these days reminded me of autumn days.
  • After a long, noisy day, psithurism made me feel so comfortable.
  • She recorded the psithurism of the trees for her nature video.
  • We can hear psithurism in quiet, forested areas.
  • I love to read that poet because he describes psithurism as the trees’ gentle whispers.
  • Psithurism added a mystical feel to the old forest.
  • The wind’s psithurism was the only sound as night fell.
  • The psithurism among the pines made her pause to listen.
  • During meditation, she focused on the psithurism outside.
  • The psithurism was faint but unmistakable in the early dawn.
  • I heard psithurism as I walked along through the woods.
  • Psithurism gave the campsite a serene ambiance.
  • The psithurism made the scenery feel like a painting.
  • Even the gentle psithurism brought peace to the listeners.
  • With eyes closed, he enjoyed the calming psithurism in his long journey to his hometown.
  • Psithurism and birdsong made the forest magical.
  • Psithurism reminded him of his childhood in the countryside.
  • While visiting the forest, I realized that psithurism is in every direction.
  • She missed the psithurism she grew up hearing in the forest near his village.
  • Psithurism filled the air as a gentle wind passed through my ears.
  • At dawn, the psithurism was with bird songs in the garden. And I didn’t want to go home.
  • Psithurism turned the garden into a peaceful place.
  • He read a poem about psithurism and felt at peace in the hustle and bustle of her life.
  • After a long time, I visited the meadow and felt that the psithurism made it feel enchanted.
  • Psithurism added to the magic of the moonlit night.
  • The gentle psithurism made her feel less alone.
  • The park is with psithurism in the early morning.
  • I love the psithurism of leaves after the rain.
  • The gentle psithurism became part of her evening routine after returning to her hometown.
  • Psithurism in the background made the scene more beautiful.

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